13 Questions about Going Industry after a PhD

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In this episode, I answer 13 questions from Instagram about how to get your first non-academic job.

Here are the questions I answer:
1. What do you actually consider an industry job?
2. How early should I start looking for an industry job?
3. What field did you get your PhD in? Do job outcomes vary for different fields?
4. I am getting a masters/PhD in XYZ field. What kind of a job can I get?
5. How do I deal with recruiters who say I’m overqualified?
6. How do you get people to do an informational interview?
7. Do your publications matter if you are going to go industry?
8. What about when entry-level jobs require previous experience?
9. What salary can I expect to make in industry with a PhD?
10. I’ll be in my 30s after getting my PhD. Is it too late to go industry?
11. Do you think part of your successful transition to industry was due to being a white male?
12. Is it harder for international students to go industry and how do I counteract that?
13. How do you actually do it? How do you go industry?

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