The True Cost of a PhD (and How to Recover from It)

Jun 09, 2023

I want to tackle an important topic: the true cost of pursuing a PhD and how to recover from these costs.

From my perspective, there are three main costs associated with doing a PhD that we need to consider. These are not just financial costs, but also costs in terms of real-world experience, building a professional network, and even your overall finances.

First, let's talk about the cost of real-world experience. During your PhD journey, you might miss out on valuable real-world experiences that you could have gained in the industry. These experiences translate into skills and insights that are often highly sought after by employers.

While academia offers its own learning opportunities, recruiters and hiring managers in the industry often prioritize candidates with practical experience. Remember, education is important, but real-world experience holds significant weight.

The second cost is the impact on your professional network. While building connections in academia is crucial, transitioning to the industry means that the value of your academic network might diminish. You'll need to work on expanding your network within the industry to stay relevant and informed.

This might mean reaching out to professionals in your field through platforms like LinkedIn and engaging in informational interviews. These connections can open doors and provide you with insights into your desired industry. PS - Connect with me on LinkedIn!

Lastly, let's discuss the financial aspect. Pursuing a PhD often means delaying entry into the job market. When you eventually start your career, your initial salary might be comparable to that of someone with a bachelor's degree. Additionally, you'll be playing catch-up when it comes to retirement savings due to the time spent in academia. This delay in starting your retirement fund can significantly impact your financial security in the long run.

Now, let's shift our focus to how you can recover from these costs and position yourself for success:

  1. Leverage Your Academic Experience: Make a compelling argument that your academic experience is relevant and valuable in an industry context. Highlight transferable skills and knowledge that can set you apart from other candidates.

  2. Build a New Network: Recognize that your academic network might not provide the same level of support in the industry. Start connecting with professionals in your desired field through LinkedIn and informational interviews. Don't hesitate to reach out to guests from podcasts or online platforms to expand your network.

  3. Consider Entry-Level Positions: Be open to starting at an entry-level position, even if you have a PhD. Gaining industry experience is valuable, and you can climb the ladder over time.

  4. Maximize Retirement Contributions: Once you secure an industry job, prioritize setting up retirement contributions. Take full advantage of employer matches and consider seeking advice from financial experts to make informed decisions.

  5. Don't Overlook Opportunities: While your first job might not have the salary you dream of, consider the long-term growth potential and learning opportunities it offers.

The true cost of pursuing a PhD extends beyond the years spent in academia. However, by strategically leveraging your experience, building a strong professional network, and taking proactive steps toward financial security, you can recover from these costs and position yourself for success in the industry.

Remember, hindsight is 20/20, and it's natural to reflect on what could have been. But rather than dwelling on the past, focus on creating a positive trajectory for your future. Embrace the journey, learn from your experiences, and make informed choices that align with your career goals. You've got this!

And if you're ready to start recovering from the costs of doing a PhD, download my Six Week Checklist today. It covers the steps that any grad student can take to maximize their changes of getting an industry or other non-academic job right away.  


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