Seven Reasons to Go Industry (with Your PhD)

Mar 14, 2024


Seven Reasons to Go Industry (with Your PhD)

I recently asked industry PhDs what they appreciated about their industry careers, and they gave me seven general responses that I think are valuable for anyone trying to see if they want to leave academia and take their PhD to industry. 

Here's what they said (plus something else at the end).

1. The Money

Let's cut to the chase: industry jobs often mean you're going to see a lot more money in your bank account. When I switched, my salary jumped up by 50%, which I think is a pretty common experience. 

2. You Don't Have to Be Able to Do Everything

You know how most academic researchers do everything? Write papers, crunch numbers, teach, and more? Well, in industry, you can chill a bit because you'll likely focus on what you're really good at. There's usually someone else on the team who's got your back on the stuff you're not so keen on. 

3. Less Responsibility 

One of the best parts? Saying goodbye to that feeling of having to work every. single. moment. In my industry gig, I work way less but still get the job done, and my weekends are totally mine. It's a breath of fresh air for sure. I resonated with this one a lot.

4. Seeing Your Work Have a Tangible Impact

It's pretty great to see the stuff you work on actually making a difference in the real world, unlike those papers we slaved over in academia that maybe five people read. In industry, your work impacts real people and real projects. You get to experience the change. It's nice.

5. Weekends are for Relaxing, Not Working (or worrying about work)

Remember feeling guilty for not working on the weekend? Well, in industry, that's a thing of the past. Most folks don't even think about work after Friday until Monday rolls around. It's awesome.

6. People Say 'Thank You' 

One thing that hit me was how people in industry are way more likely to express their appreciation for your work. It's nice to hear a "good job" or get a pat on the back—something that's a bit rarer in the academic world it seems.

7. Climb That Ladder or Hop Around

There's so much room to grow in industry. You're not stuck on one narrow path. Want to move up? Go for it. Wanna try something new? Sure thing. It's a lot more flexible than academia, where the ladder feels kinda short. Plus, it's much harder to find a job - even a lateral one. And then if you do, you're moving to the other side of the country. 

A Surprise Question about Tenured Professor Positions

I did a quick poll with these industry PhDs (= 63), asking if they'd go back to academia if they were offered a tenured position, no strings attached. Guess what? Most of them (83%) said they'd rather stick with their industry gig. While that's not a nationally representative finding from a big dataset, I think it still says a lot about how satisfying life can be outside the ivory tower.

So, if you're on the fence about where to take your PhD next, or if graduation is looming and you're not feeling the academic vibe, give industry a thought. It's been a total game-changer for me and the million(?) or so PhDs who've left academia for industry. It just might be the breath of fresh air you're looking for too.

If you want to keep the conversation going and learn about how you can take your PhD to industry, download my free Six Week Checklist here. See ya next time!



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