How to Double Your Salary

Aug 27, 2023

Welcome back to the Grad School Sucks Podcast! In today's episode, I have an interesting story to share that underscores a crucial lesson about career growth and salary negotiation. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's dive right into it.

A few days ago, I had the pleasure of reconnecting with an old friend over dinner. It had been years since we last caught up, and as we discussed the trajectories of our careers and the changes that had occurred since our last encounter, a specific anecdote he shared left a lasting impression on me.

My friend had recently landed a job as an area salesman overseeing three stores in the Lexington area. He was content with his role and responsibilities, but a unique opportunity presented itself – a chance to become an area salesman for a competitor based in Cincinnati, a considerable distance away. This new role would involve supervising eight stores and would come with a significant bump in salary.

Naturally, he was hesitant about uprooting his life and relocating to a different city. However, the financial offer from the new company was so enticing that he seriously considered making the move. Just when he was on the brink of accepting the offer and embarking on this new adventure, his current employer in Lexington countered with an unexpected proposal – they offered to match the salary increase he was being offered by the competitor in Cincinnati.

Intriguingly, my friend ultimately decided to stay in Lexington. He retained his position, carried on with the same responsibilities, and yet managed to almost double his salary, courtesy of a well-timed negotiation backed by leverage.

The key takeaway from this story is undeniably valuable and resonates deeply with those navigating the intricate paths of career development, especially for those venturing beyond their initial job placements. Contrary to popular belief, success isn't solely about excelling in your job or networking effectively. While these aspects are pivotal for securing your first job, they don't necessarily guarantee substantial salary growth in the long term.

Instead, the real power lies in leveraging opportunities. My friend's experience serves as a prime example of how external offers can be used as bargaining chips to drive significant increases in compensation. By presenting a solid offer from a competing company, he signaled to his current employer that his skills and contributions were valued beyond his current pay grade.

I understand that this strategy may not sit well with everyone. Some might argue that employers should pay their employees what they're genuinely worth from the beginning, without needing outside offers to prompt fair compensation adjustments. These sentiments are valid, but in a world where negotiations are often the norm, leveraging opportunities becomes a crucial skill.

Let me illustrate this point further with another anecdote. I have another acquaintance who's highly intelligent and technically proficient. He's been at the same job for a staggering eight years, yet his salary increments have been modest, ranging from 5% to 7% over the years. Why? Because he hasn't actively pursued new job opportunities or gathered leverage to drive his salary upwards.

It's important to recognize that employers are often content to maintain the status quo as long as employees are satisfied with their jobs and compensation. To move the needle significantly, it's essential to take matters into your own hands. Continuously seeking new opportunities, accumulating job offers, and using those offers as leverage can empower you to command the compensation you deserve.

In conclusion, the key to securing substantial salary growth throughout your career lies in your ability to wield leverage effectively. While it might seem uncomfortable or even unfair, the reality is that leveraging external offers has the potential to significantly impact your financial trajectory. So, whether you're just starting out in your industry or you're considering your next move, remember that your value is yours to assert.

I hope this story and the insights shared have given you valuable food for thought. Until next time, keep growing, keep learning, and keep leveraging those opportunities! And if you're ready to start your journey towards your first industry job, download my Six Week Checklist. It will lay out the steps you need to take to be most competitive on the non-academic job market. Cheers!


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