Academic False Gods that Keep Us from Going Industry

May 20, 2023

In this post, I'll delve into a thought-provoking topic that has been buzzing around Instagram comments and conversations - the parallels between academia and religious organizations. We'll explore how the academic world can sometimes resemble a closed system, and how certain ingrained beliefs, which I refer to as "academic false gods," might prevent individuals from pursuing careers in industry. Let's dive into four of these false gods and how they influence career decisions.

1. The Love of Knowledge: A Double-Edged Sword

Academia is known for its insatiable appetite for knowledge. As graduate students and academics, we are driven by the pursuit of learning and discovery. The allure of consuming knowledge as a central part of our daily lives can become a barrier to considering careers in industry. The fear of leaving behind the environment where learning is a constant might make the prospect of switching fields seem daunting.

However, it's important to recognize that learning never truly stops, even outside academia. In industry, there are countless opportunities to continue expanding your skillset and knowledge base. The learning curve might be different, but the drive to explore new horizons remains a cornerstone of professional growth.

2. Fame and Notoriety: A Shift in Perspective

Academia often idolizes its thought leaders, the "Superstars" whose fame and influence ripple through the academic community. Aspiring to achieve such recognition can hold individuals back from considering a move to industry. The perception that industry lacks the same level of recognition might fuel hesitation.

In reality, the realm of industry offers ample opportunities for recognition and influence. While academia may have a concentrated pool of influencers, the broader landscape of industry allows for a wider scope of impact. With determination and innovation, individuals can make meaningful contributions and establish their reputation on a larger scale.

3. Power and Influence: Navigating the Labyrinth

The allure of power and influence within academia can be enticing. As graduate students, we may be drawn to the idea of steering the course of research or leading a team. However, the pursuit of power can come with challenges, including the responsibility to serve those under your influence and navigate the complexities of leadership.

In industry, power and influence are attainable through various avenues, from taking on leadership roles to fostering change through innovation. While the path might be distinct, the ability to make a difference in the lives of colleagues, clients, or customers is just as profound.

4. Impact: A Paradigm Shift

The desire to make a tangible impact on societal issues often motivates individuals to pursue academic careers. The belief that leaving academia means abandoning the chance to effect change can be a formidable barrier to transitioning to industry. However, reconsidering the notion of impact can open new doors.

Impact can take diverse forms outside academia. From working in industries that directly address social issues to contributing to policy changes through advocacy or philanthropy, there are myriad ways to leave a lasting imprint. By redefining what it means to create positive change, the path to impact can lead beyond the confines of academia.

Breaking Free: Embracing Industry

Ultimately, breaking free from the constraints of these "academic false gods" requires a shift in mindset. While academia offers unique opportunities for growth and influence, industry presents a different set of challenges and rewards. Embracing the potential for continuous learning, broader recognition, impactful leadership, and varied ways of making a difference can empower individuals to explore new horizons.

Remember that the decision to transition from academia to industry is a deeply personal one. It involves assessing your own values, goals, and aspirations. As you embark on this journey, keep an open mind and recognize that success and fulfillment can be found beyond the walls of academia. Whether you're entering the corporate world, nonprofit sector, or another industry, your unique skills and passion for making a difference will continue to shine.

And if you're ready to start that journey towards a new career that is free from the cult-like aspects of academia, consider download my Six Week Checklist. It lays out all the steps that you'll need to take to maximize your ability to get a high-paying industry job right after grad school. Download it here today.


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